Hotel website

If we speak about hotel website for a small and medium business, it will be nice if it has such features as beautiful, usable design, light coding, user-friendly navigation, quality photos, good 'click to action' buttons, readable information, and some frames from booking portals OR Own Booking Module.
If you use iframes from, for example, it is much quicker to implement and easier to handle, you also have traffic from this portal, but you pay per/customer fee and have a limit of how your click to action forms and buttons look like. So, in conclusion, I would recommend you to use your Own Booking System only if you know your customers will cost you less in this case or you need a custom more luxury design for your website.

We know. We like. We do.


Clear Design

Modern, clear design created for your business needs

Best optimized

We provide a highly optimized webpages with up to 90% rate from Google SpeedUp

SEO friendly

We provide a basic SEO for websites done with us that includes readable links, good optimized structure, relative titles and descriptions for the pages

Set your targets, collect goals

We provide a Google Analitics tool available from your 1st screen dashboard, so you can view your targets, goals and traffic

Easy to manage and support

Your website is really easy to manage, you can start in several minutes - it is really very native


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